Saturday, August 20, 2011

The big cats of East Africa

!9# The big cats of East Africa

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The most charismatic of all the animals that roam the savannas of East Africa are the big cats. Safari enthusiasts exercise patience and do everything to ensure a sighting. The beauty and splendor of seeing big cats in the wild is a prospect that warms the hearts of every lover of nature. Among a series of ancient civilizations - the Romans, the Sumerians and the Egyptians, the big cats were held in greater esteem in the charm and all other wild animals. Some werehave indeed taken as gods, and many are the kings, the images of big cats on their royal emblems together.

The big cats in the past have spread widely throughout the world than they are today. In our time, the small of big cats in Africa and small pockets of Asia. The family cat is known by scientists as cats and refers to a selection of animals for small cats and large groups. Cats and small dogs are less known and appreciated. In East Africa small cats are wildCats, sand cats and serval. The small cats are very widespread in almost all habitats in East Africa. But keep your head down and raise little conflict with man, the ultimate enemy of all wild animals.

The big cats you find outside Africa are tiger, jaguar, leopard, panther and the Iberian lynx. The big cats are the most dedicated meat eater in the animal kingdom. They are mostly nocturnal and rather secretive in nature. Together with primates, have read a lot of faceExpression and love to play. The big cats catch and kill their prey. To watch a lion hunt is truly fascinating, if for a moment he takes his opinion about the fate of the victims. For all the glory of the big cats of East Africa there are only three of them: lions, leopards and cheetahs.

The lion, named after the king of the jungle, is the largest carnivore in East Africa. The adult lion stretches between 1.4 m to 2.2 m - without the tail. The male can weigh up to 225 kg, whilethe female reaches 168kg strong. The lion is known for its exceptional strength and is known to reduce the buffalo much larger, which is about four times its weight. For this reason, kings have understandably sought to be associated lions. But they hesitate, with its reputation for sloth-for the lion shamelessly spends up to 20 hours rest a day to be connected.

Lions are social animals and big cats are the only ones to live and hunt in family groups. The group orPride in the control of a series of independent women tied and a few men. Young women usually try to join their mother pride, but young males venture into the outside world for female companionship. The females in a herd of pride puppy common practice and hunting.

Lions are very territorial. The men to respect the territorial integrity, because of their characteristic fierce roars, scent marking and periodic border patrols.

Lions the same pride develop strong social bonds and practice headRubbing and govern society. The females give birth after a gestation period of 3.5 months. After only 6 weeks, the boys are led into permanent habit of eating meat. Cubs play in imitation of adults, and this helps to develop useful skills, such as in search of prey. Although the king was born kids need protection from hyenas and leopards. And even from non-pride male lions on the grounds that women do not mate until the puppies are about 18 months. The boys then stand in the way of aCoupling to do.

Fight males bent on infanticide appears to be one of the reasons why women live in packs. The "king of the jungle", a nickname is misleading, because buffalo and hyenas sometimes kill lions. Elephants also not afraid of the king - are free to encourage them to lions, to go forward. But the man remains the greatest threat to the lions, and has hunted the lion to extinction in many parts of the world. The lion population in Africa is now estimated at only 23,000 andSurvival was listed as vulnerable in international conventions.

In most parks and game reserves in East Africa, but the lion is impressively visible. Especially in grasslands and dry forests where large plains herbivores they prey on thrive. You can easily see the king in Ngorongoro and Serengeti in Tanzania and Amboseli, Nairobi, Lake Nakuru and Masai Mara in Kenya. In some other places, such as Lake Manyara in Tanzania, Tsavo, Kenya, and Queen ElizabethUganda, patience and skill is necessary.

At the beginning of last century, has received bad press when lions have stopped the construction of the railway in East Africa Tsavo region of Kenya by feeding on the workforce. The film "The Man-Eaters of Tsavo" has captured this macabre drama. And 'in this atmosphere that Theodore Roosevelt, American president who was a pioneer safari enthusiasts of the lions, he said, "unless, at rest and during the breeding season, the career of a lionbest be summed up in one word. predator "

Lions to their usual prey occasionally attack domestic animals and even private individuals. Lions, like the hospital are old and sick can easily attack humans and you should exercise caution and take photos from the safety of a car. So if you're out camping, look! All told, the cases of being attacked by billions of people are extremely rare. The image of the lion has recently been rehabilitated in the minds ofMany of the popular animated children's drama "Lion King", whose hero is Simba-Swahili for lion.

The future of the lions in the savannah of East Africa is not guaranteed. The biggest challenge is the conflict with the man, his old enemy. People living in areas bordering parks, sometimes resulting in the final punishment, lions, when they are taken to the hunting of animals. In the Serengeti in Tanzania, the king has recently experienced attacks by a viral disease know as FIV-Feline ImmunodeficiencyVirus. FIV, like HIV in humans, the result is reduced immunity of the animals more susceptible to other diseases. Unlike HIV, however, is the primary means of transmission of FIV bite wounds and not sexual intimacy.

Of the big cats of East Africa, the leopard is the most elegant. The leopard is naturally suited to cats. It can be used in almost every habitat that provides sufficient food and cover to survive. For this reason, the big cats, leopards thrive in a variety ofHabitat and land mammals that enjoy the most widespread in the tropics. In East Africa found in the most unlikely places, from deserts to mountains and even in cities. This is not to resist, the scientists were surprised when, in 1990 three leopards were found in a railway station in Kampala.

The full-grown adults varies between 1 and 1.5 m and a weight of 60 kg. They (and especially the woman) has always been jealous of the beautiful leopardCoat. Those of East Africa have round spots unlike the square points of the species in South Africa. Leopards are solitary animals and difficult to find them in groups. The sexes associate only long enough to mate! The women are ready to breed at about 2 years when they produce a 3 cubs after a gestation period of about 90 days.

The leopard is therefore less dangerous than the lion or the cheetah. Despite the fact that they are very widespread in East AfricaAnd 'unlikely to be seen in large numbers. In addition, this mysterious nocturnal cat. The traveler who is determined to see that they have very quietly and patiently, as only the more eager they will be rewarded. Even scientists have trouble spotting them, with the result that does not look like other cats.

The leopard is the strongest climber among the carnivores. And spend their days mostly inactive, draped over branches. So, to dealThey look to the treetops. You are further advised to drive calmly to take your game to watch and, in the rivers and waterholes. The leopard is a stalking predator and lies ready to fall in places where prey would seek food and water. Some lucky leopards basking on the rocks also occur in the early hours of the morning.

The cheetah is the smallest of the big cats in East Africa. It may take up to 1.4 m in length, the males weigh up to 55 kg and females 40 kg. 'Sinexperienced, it is difficult to distinguish from a leopard. But is distinguished by the long tear-shaped lines on each side of the nose, the corners of the mouth. It also has protruding and streamlined neck and thin legs. This animal is particularly well suited for speed, and is in fact the fastest mammal in the world.

From a resting position, the cheetah can reach a speed of 80 km / h in less than 3 seconds. It can be a stable speed of 105 km / h, compared to a man 37 km / h.But take heart, there's an ogre. The cheetah does not have the stamina to be more than a short distance runner. It is a very social and lives individually or in small groups. Women are willing to testify about the age of 2 years and after a gestation period of about 90 days to give birth to 6 children. Hunting by day only sets the lone hunter in his famous speed and keen eyesight. There technique is to stalk stealthily and then returns to a rapid dash when prey murderess30 m

The cheetah is found mainly in meadows, forests and semi-arid savannas. It survives best in large areas where prey is. This cat has never enjoyed wide geographical distribution or high densities. And the numbers have declined dramatically in recent decades. Today, there are more than 12,000 worldwide, especially in eastern and southern Africa. In East Africa are the only areas where you can easily see cheetah Masai Mara in Kenya and Serengeti in Tanzania. But the catis also present, albeit in smaller numbers in Tsavo in Kenya, Mkomazi in Tanzania and Queen Elizabeth in Uganda.

Scientists have classified the cheetah as an endangered species, and I think it's possible extinction. Only one species jubatus today. The lack of genetic diversity caused by crossing it, yet another handicap in ensuring the long-term survival of this cat. In his daily life, the cheetah face competition from other predators such as lions and hyenas.In some areas, Masai Mara in Kenya, for example, are cases of lions killing cheetah boys very often to eat hyenas. The lion kills the boy only to destroy and never eats them-an extremely disgraceful show for an animal that could be regarded as king.

Cheetahs are active only during the day. In East Africa, stop playing sanctuaries, tourists critical activities like feeding and suckling of the young. There are cases of mothers leaving their cubs under the pressure of human resourcesCuriosity. Given the challenges faced by the species or options due to the fact that cheetahs in captivity is not so bad and almost never breed unless restricted free. Spare a thought today for the cheetah, whose future uncertain. If you want to do more for the Cheetah Conservation Fund ( to speak. And the hope that such glorious days when it was like a cat-goddess, worshiped in ancient Egypt will come again.

East Africa is a year round destination safari.The rain in April-May and November-December will. However, this does not handle too much influence on the ability of travelers. In general, the best time to go on safari to see the big cats is in the dry months when the grass is short and sighting animals is so much easier. But in areas such as the Masai Mara, the animals are so numerous that we see too many of them independently of the season. The main tourist season falls around January to February and from July to August. From April toJune is low season and prices for accommodation in hotels can be up to 40% lower than during the high season.

Accommodation ranges from camping safari lodges and tented camps to basic luxury. Out there in the bush, you'll be pleasantly surprised that there are a number of safari lodges in East Africa: -

- Kenya Hotels & Lodges

- Tanzania Hotels & Lodges

with all the bells and whistles of 5-star luxury. But if you want to rough it, you'll find campsitesin almost all the game reserves and national parks. In general it is advisable to take an escorted safari package: -

- Kenya Safari

- Tanzania Safari

This includes transportation, parking fees and accommodation. The reason is that the guides are usually well versed in animals, where to find them and how to get and what are the other locally useful knowledge. But if you need more time and freedom as a move, then you are under a carOption.

A safari, wear light cotton and linen. Warmer clothing is needed for evenings and for your early morning game drive. Some waterproof is advisable between March and June and October and December. You should bring a good pair of sunglasses. The glare in bright tropical light occur is a new and unpleasant experience for most. There is also a good idea to bring binoculars. They are very useful for the identification of animals and earn the envy of less
expert tourist guide.

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The big cats of East Africa

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